About Us

[M] 0418 864 092
[PO] PO Box 332
Milperra NSW 2214
[E] giwilliams.building@
GI Williams
Building Services Pty Ltd
ABN: 90099 928 784
Builder Licence: 136848c
008 Chinese Business Directory SerivceTestimonial

Dear Greg,

I am pleased to be able to make this testimonial on your behalf.

During my thirty odd years as a hotel licensee I have had the task of renovating a number of establishments, ranging from a simple paint and refurbishment to major constructions to the value in excess of $7 million.

With this in mind I would like to state the following:

Greg Williams was commissioned to undertake the major refit of The Greengate Hotel Killara involving a staged close down of several bar areas and a central service kitchen to our restaurant and bistro.

Greg's team was tasked with time lines and staged demolition and construction to allow us to trade with both food and beverage facilities throughout this period.

From the 1st minute on sight I could see that Greg's team was in tune with my business and what is required to run a hospitality venue.  Without fault and to the man each one of his workers seemed to be handpicked in attitude and application in dealing with working within the confines of hotel business demands---even to the point of assisting staff in opening areas for trade by wiping down builders dust which may have drifted past the plastic dust screens.

Working within a heritage listed building posed its own particular problems, and working without any pre-build drawings unearthed a few surprises--these and a few architectural alterations on the run were all addressed with Greg's calm even handed way.

The renovation progressed well and all times lines were met with the finish date on time and on budget.

Greg has performed renovations within other hotels of our group and all the licensees speak highly of their experience with Greg's team and the ease with how his team accommodates the hotel's business and customers.

I cannot recommend him highly enough and have passed on his details to numerous hoteliers seeking a builder with integrity and someone who can work with you to retain your trade and business whilst under construction.

Yours faithfully,

Reg Lazarus Licensee.  The Greengate Hotel Killara.

Dear Greg,


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for the extensive renovation you completed on my home at Illawong and more recently, significant renovations to my business premises at Moorebank.

My home is just beautiful.  I am absolutely delighted with the end result.

Thank you for your professionalism and guidance throughout both projects.  You and your team were a pleasure to work with - clearly taking pride in your work, attentive to every detail and responsive to my ever changing requirements.

I would have no hesitation in recommending your Company to anyone who requires high quality workmanship and trustworthy advice.

Once again, thank you for the excellant work you have done for me.

Penny Wall.